I got Bandit when he was 10 weeks old.
He was my first bird and so I spent tons of time planning for him.
He is going on 2 in March, and I feel like i just brought him home yesterday.
When I first got him- it was rough- in the first week I had to take him
to the vet to have his little toe splinted (it was broken). About
month later- it was back to the vet ( he had climbed on my rat cage and
got bit through his joint in the other foot). No injuries since then though
luckily!! |
Bandit can talk a little- his clearest saying
being "I love you", but he also says "Baby", "what", "up", and if he really
wants to have an attitude.."no". He does well with changes in location
( i have moved probably 5 or 6 times in the past year) and never
once has he been discontent or upsetted by his change of surroundings.
He likes to also go with me on my 5 hour car drives to LA where in the
daytime- he sits on top of his cage and watchs the view or, if it is at
night- crawl under my hair and fall asleep. |
He is the best little bird, and because
of him- I will be getting another bird at the end of this month. I love
my baby. I hope everyone else gets who has a green cheek has such great
experiences as mine!!!
Thank you - Samantha McPherren
Photos and text by Samantha McPherren.
Submitted in 1998.
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