I "adopted" my greencheek, Jasmine, January 17, 2000. I live
in Raleigh,
North Carolina and bought her from a breeder in Wendell when she was
just 10
months old.
From the minute that I saw Jasmine, she took to me right away.
Her favorite
place to be is (of course) on me. Sometimes, I will walk by her
cage and
she will flutter her wings and shake because she wants me to hold her.
Other times, I will walk by her cage, and she will quickly grab on
to my
shirt with her beak and hang off from my back. I am, quite frankly,
personal taxi.
Jasmine is extremely quiet. I took her to work with me one day
and my
co-workers were not aware that she was there until I said something
to them.
She does not talk (that I know of) but loves to make kissy sounds
to me
and knows how to say ah-ah when she knows she is doing something she
shouldn't be doing.
She is extremely spoiled. She loves grapes, applesauce, yogurt,
fruit bars,
dates, baby food, cream of wheat, cream of rice, Chef Boyardee Spaghetti
Meatballs, and rice among other things. |
She is extremely spoiled. She loves grapes, applesauce, yogurt,
fruit bars, dates, baby food, cream of wheat, cream of rice, Chef Boyardee
Spaghetti and Meatballs, and rice among other things.
She is a very good traveler. We have taken car trips together
and she will quietly hang on to the side of her cage while she looks
out for birds or airplanes.
I enjoy every day with her and will make sure that I keep her in the
spoiled and pampered lifestyle that she has become accustomed to.
Photos and text by Mari Kashouty.
Submitted Sept. 2000.
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