Scooter & Peanut are what started
this whole webpage! I bought them in 1996. They were my first
breeding pair of birds. Unfortunately, they're not such a nice pair!
They often crack their eggs, so I usually incubate them or foster them
to other birds. They will also kill their babies, so I have to hand-feed
them from hatching (not much fun!). Scooter also plucks Peanut when
they're breeding, which you can see in the photo above. They are
very shy and hide in their nestbox whenever I walk in the bird room.
But, for a long time they were housed in my bedroom so I got to know them
quite well. They have very endearing personalities! Scooter
is the more aggressive of the two, although actually Peanut is braver around
me. Niether likes toys but they will chew on their perches, and they
fly a lot around the cage. They're both adorable and beautiful birds,
not a feather out of place, except when Peanut's head is plucked while
they're nesting.